Monday, June 29, 2009

Your State of Mind Can Bring You Wealth

What is wealth or abundance? Some people think of them as money, but they are actually a whole lot more.

What if abundance begins and ends with you? With your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions! Ironically, the wealth that shows up in your life or lack of it is directly connected to you and your own beliefs.

If wealth and/or abundance seems to be missing in your life, take a look at your current state of mind. Are you addressing all of the things you would like to have? If not, you are perpetuating the lack of it and pushing it further from your reality.

This exercise is designed to help change your state of mind to one of wealth and abundance. I suggest that it be state aloud twice a day, just before going to sleep and right after getting out of bed each morning.

Here are the four statements that should not just be repeated, but should be said with faith and conviction: It does not matter which word you use (wealth or abundance), so use the one you are comfortable with or both.

• I am Wealthy in every good way

• Infinite money is mine to earn, save, invest, exponentially multiply, and share

• My wealth is making everyone better off

• I embrace wealth and wealth embraces me.

If you are finding it difficult to accept them, give it time, but continue with the exercise. It usually takes three to four weeks for a repetitive action to become a habit and for belief to set in. In time the affirmations will become your reality and you will find yourself recognizing wealth all around you.

Can you think of some one who has wealth/abundance showing up on regularly in their life? What do they do to have this wealth always present in their lives? There are many celebrities in the world today that live the principle of abundance. For example take Oprah . She is one of the wealthiest women in the world and has made the commitment to give back ... Her Angel Network and The Book Club are just two of her major causes and she is always bringing to the forefront things that can help everyone create better lives for themselves and those around them. Oprah has embraced abundance and clearly she continues to draw it within her life. Can we take a life lesson from her? YES! Should we? YES!

So don't let today get you down and stop buying into the "not enough" principle. There is enough, acutally more than enough for us all. It just takes a little effort on your part to change your state of mind from lack to wealth /abundance. Changing your thinking does not cost you anything, so isn't it worth doing?

If you are still sitting on that fence, take out a sheet of paper and write down the wealth / abundance that has been showing up thus far in your life. The things you believe will show you when you start practicing the wealth / abundance principle. Just so you know, you WILL probably run out of paper as your list will have an infinite number of possibilities. The things that have been just waiting to flow from your mind and into your pen. What an awesome habit to have. The habit of embracing wealth and abundance.

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